I do just about everything online. I work online; I’m a huge gamer and an avid viewer of porn. It’s not uncommon for me to be staring into a screen for just about the entire time I’m awake. When I found out about this VR Love The Game discount for 50% off insantly; I couldn’t sign up fast enough. This site is absolutely perfect for me.
It combines gaming and porn. That’s what I’ve always dreamed of. Virtual Reality is one of my favorite new inventions. The fact that you can use technology to basically trick your mind into thinking that a manufactured reality is what you’re actually experiencing is mind-blowing. When you apply this to porn, it’s just something you have to see for yourself. I swear it’s literally like you’re the one in the scene with all the action. Now take that and apply it to a game, where you can control the action. You can modify the character to make them look just the way you like. There’s even a store where you can buy sexy outfits that you want your partners to wear. This is interactive porn at its best.